Meet the Team: Alessandro

Author - 93digital

Posted By 93digital

Date posted 12th Apr 2018

Category Blog


In the latest, ‘Meet the Team,’ our Lead Developer Alessandro demystifies the man behind the smile

1. What is your role at 93digital?

I am Lead Developer

2. What does an average day for you look like?

Greeting people with a smile and a “good morning”, before sitting on my chair.

After I go through my Slack messages, checking first for DM and Mentions to solve the urgent matters first, and after having a quick look to remaining messages to see if there is any obstacle I can help with.

When done with checking Slack and emails I start working on my daily tasks.

3. What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Helping my team to strengthen their weakness, and also finding and implementing new tools that help our development process.

4. Any advice for those who want to do what you do?

Be curious. Passion is important but is not the only thing that matters.

Feed your curiosity with knowledge, be updated on what’s going on, and don’t just follow the latest trend but embrace the ones that help you become a better developer.

5. What future design and/or technology developments in the industry are you excited about?

WebAssembly is an efficient, low-level bytecode for the web. You can write your app using your favourite language like C, C++, Rust, etc and compile it into and so that it can be run into your browser.

I’ve seen some desktop apps run in the browser, and that’s very cool.

6. What are your passions/hobbies/interests?

Love photography and play piano.

7. What’s your favourite thing to read in print / online?

I love reading thrillers! One of my favourite authors is Ken Follet. Online I like to read mainly and

8. Tell us a random fact about you…

I speak Esperanto.

Saluton, mia nomo estas Alessandro.

Let's Talk

Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?