Internal Day: April 2024

Author - Graham Beedie

Posted By Graham Beedie Partner

Date posted 3rd May 2024

Category Blog


Every now and then, someone in the team has a light bulb moment. It could be an idea for a new service extension, an improvement to a development workflow or a suggestion for how website projects could be delivered better, quicker & more more efficiently. It could even be a small adjustment to a boring, repetitive internal admin task.

They may seem small at the time but they could potentially have a big & positive impact on the way we work. If only we had the time to pursue them in between project work and deadlines? 

That’s why we set aside the last Friday of every month to focus on innovation ideas as well as team skills and knowledge development.

It’s a great opportunity for our teams of WordPress developers, UX designers, digital marketers and content strategists & producers to get together and work on a collection of individual or cross-team research and training.

Here’s a snapshot of what the team covered this month…

WordPress Developers & UX Designers

Last Friday, the team worked on the finishing touches of our new foundational WordPress website builder called ‘Clarity Blocks’.

Clarity Blocks uses the WordPress Gutenberg Editor and at its core, features a number of the most commonly used content modules (ie blocks) and plugins such as Yoast, ACF and CookieYes.

As an entry level ‘core’ offer, Clarity Blocks will provide our clients with a great looking, easy to use and low cost ‘business ready’ website. The flexible framework is scalable and will provide a solid foundation to enhance, optimise and add new features. Given the flexible nature of WordPress Gutenberg, the sites will allow clients to easily manage and build out content without the need for a developer.

Interested in a website powered by Clarity Blocks? Contact us!

In addition, Andrew our lead frontend developer presented his key take outs of building a headless website to the wider team. You can read more about this on his blog post here (The potential of WordPress as a Headless CMS).

Project Managers

Our project managers are always on top of things when it comes to process, time and team management. Last Friday, they updated our checklists for project kick-offs, contract templates and personal development plans.

In conjunction with our UX design and develop teams, they also explored the potential for using Clarity blocks to create interactive reports by building out a test use case and preparing an associated CMS user guide.

This dry run also provided the grounding and documentation for a roll-out which we hope will streamline website handovers and CMS training moving forwards.

Let's Talk

Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?