Goodbye Facebook: Article revisited

Author - 93digital

Posted By 93digital

Date posted 12th Oct 2018

Category Blog


It’s been quite the headline-grabbing year for the major tech platforms, all mostly negative. Facebook, in particular, has born the brunt of many negative discussions.

In our opinion, this is rightly so, with the level of incompetence completely befitting the headlines that ‘out’ them. From the Cambridge Analytica scandal, through to steep declines in daily active users and company valuation, all the way through to last weeks announcement of another data breach.

Whilst not as controversial, in very early January 2018, Facebook announced that it had made some changes to its algorithms that would promote ‘quality over quantity‘, and it was hoped, would help prevent Facebook users from being inundated with businesses and news.

It may have taken most of 2018, however as we reach Q4, in light of the recent headlines surrounding Facebook’s fourth biggest publisher UniLad as they entered administration, it reminded us of an Op-ed, coined by our Founder Alex Price, about this very subject.

In the article, Alex outlines who he feels will be the winners and major losers of Facebook’s algorithm changes and outlines what can be done to prevent a drastic downturn in events.

To read the whole article, read it on The Drum, here

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